Monday 24 September 2007

The cute cafe Euro Van will be at the Parsons cross festival this saturday, pop along for one of our famous coffees at this great family event in the north of Sheffield just up the hill from Hillsborough towards Barnsley -- See you there

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Loyalty Cards!

Pick up one of our brand new loyalty cards during your next visit to Cafe Euro. When you have a Cafe Euro Loyalty Card you get a free coffee after buying Dos (that's Spanish for 'two', you know) coffees and you get another free one after 5 more! How sweet is that? We'll tell you; it's VERY sweet. So, come by and ask our staff about our new Cafe Euro Loyalty Cards and grab a cup of coffee to start you and your new card off!

Share Your Faves!

Hello 'ello 'ello Cafe Euro faithful,
Why not share your favourite dishes and their recipes with the rest of your friends. It doesn't matter whether it's your father's famous meal or a dish that only a mother could love. Post a comment reply to this message and let those recipes fly!