Thursday 19 May 2011

Great Up and Coming Events at Cafe Euro

There is lots happening at Cafe Euro over the next month

Saturday 27th CDAS Benifit gig.

A Great line up of local bands performing at the cafe as

a fundraiser for local charity that helps asylum Seekers

fight for their rights to stay in Sheffield to avoid persecution.

This is the third fundraiser to be held at the cafe - Always a good

night -- tickets available on door --8pm start

Tuesday 7th June.

7pm till 9pm (free)

A night to discuss Psychology methods, primarily Transactional Analysis, commonly known as TA to its adherents, which is an integrative approach to the theory of psychology and psychotherapy. It is described as integrative because it has elements of psychoanalytic, humanist and cognitive approaches. TA was developed by Canadian-born US psychiatrist, Eric Berne, during the late 1950s.

Sunday 12th June

7 till 10pm

Wordlife Poetry Night

A great night of entertaining and quality poetry

from the Wordlife guys. Always a racking event

Tickets on the door.

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